胡萝卜加速器 - - 专为全球华人提供网络加速服务。
- 全球专线,高速稳定
- 多种精品线路选择,用户可以手动获得最满意的加速体验
- 银行级别高强度安全通信机制,确保数据和隐私安全
每日流量限制为1GB, 使用完毕后将不能再连接互联网,将会自动断开。
We will not monitor, record, or collect any user data to ensure complete anonymity. We do not store users emails, names, or any personal information. Since we do not store any user data, we promise not to share data with third parties. You can use it with confidence.
Please remember that this app is only suitable for accelerating websites that are allowed to access normal networks according to national laws and policies. Websites that are explicitly prohibited by the state cannot bypass access permissions.
Our daily traffic limit is 1GB, and once the traffic is used up, it will not be able to connect or access vpn.